September 3, 2010

September 3, 2010

I have been working on Fishing up some fish these past few days in lure of some mega exp. I have gained 5 levels so far putting my current level at 85 Fishing which I got yesterday.

I think fishing cavefish at 85 Fishing would be like fishing sharks at 76 fishing, fail. I didn't even bother as some friends told me that even at 88/89 Fishing they were only able to get 20-25k exp per hour with profits under 200k per hour. It wasn't worth the time as I could easily make 1m+ per hour running nature runes and fish barbarian style for 55k+ exp per hour.

Double exp weekend also started this morning for me at 5am, I didn't have the chance to get on that early as I have commitments to other more important things... an education. I was able to get on later today and lucky Americans get Monday off for Labor Day. My plan was to do the following in the following order, Herblore-Smithing/Magic-Fishing if time.

I got the 2.2m Herblore exp that I wanted and it got me from 81-88 Herblore in about 2.5 hours. I'm now able to make extreme attacks and greenman up to 89 for the extreme strengths. Slayer will begin once I get 88 Dungeoneering..

After that I began superheating the 100k+ gold that litters my bank. I got through about 2000 of it before taking a short break, I check my exp to notice that the Magic and Smithing were not even. I began with both 400k from a level and they advance with superheating at the same rate. I was upset to notice that I did have my gauntlets on but that they don't work this weekend. JaGeX never announced this in either the news post that came out today or the fourm post that has been up for the past 2 weeks. I'm not bothered about losing the ore as millions more can be bought but that I wasted the hour or so superheating for the magic exp that I didn't want.

My back-up plan is to fish this weekend which doesn't sound fun but I don't having anything else to do besides that for now.

1 comment:

  1. Hey! Great blog! :)

    Yep,us lucky Americans get Monday all to ourselves. XD
